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Here is what I can do

Endo the Competitor

Morgan and I competed at the highest level and achieved the award National Champion in a discipline that requires high level dressage and obstacles.


With Morgan's guidance, we were able to navigate bridges, gates, intricate maneuvers through poles and over jumps using communication and teamwork.


Morgan cues me to jump with only a few voice cues. We would always practice competition height at home while training for the upcoming competition, so that I could assume all jumps are that height. That's the way Morgan kept me safe.


​Since we were penalized for the use of voice commands, Morgan used mostly non-verbal cues to navigate me safely through obstacles.


To step up on the bridge, she taps my elbow with the toe of her boot when I need to lift my leg higher, like when I take a step onto the bridge.


The final phase in competition is the speed round which is my favorite. I want to go fast because I know that Morgan will keep me safe, competing is really fun. I don't care that I can't see. Going fast is just too fun!


Endo the Actor

Morgan and I performed in Caravan Farm Theater's 'The Night's Mare'.


Ok, ok, I had no spoken lines but I was the star of the show. I know so many tricks that I didn't need words to charm the audience. I think Morgan loved the opportunity to show them all off!


I really started to love performing when I learned that applause means 'goodboy'.  Often I would offer some additional tricks just to get the audience to clap some more.


I also learned to listen for "Endo go" on the stage hands walkie talkies and I tried to go onto the stage on my own. The crew had to switch to thumbs up so I couldn't anticipate my entrance! 

That was not fair...!!!




Endo the Loyal Friend

We've been together since I was a foal and we had a kind of special connection from the beginning.

Together we've been through so many adventures, battled with both of our health issues, but we were always there for each other no matter what what happened.


Morgan was diagnosed with Lupus shortly before I had my first flare ups. I had to learn how to help Morgan before it was her turn to do that for me.


We are a team, a real team, we two!



Endo the Performer

Morgan and I travel together to perform at a variety of events across the US and Canada.


I LOVE when my fans visit me and will search for their hands so they can scratch me. My nose also goes to work sniffing out what kind of goodies they have in their bags and pockets. 


A few times, they even designed performances just for us to show off our deep friendship. That was so fun. 

I just love listening to Morgan as she tells me what to do next. Sometimes I am a bit eager to get to the next trick, but oh well, that just shows how much I love being on stage!





©2022 - Founder Morgan Wagner - All Rights Reserved 

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